1. Establish a Research Repository in Phase 1
- This will allow all cross functional teams in the future to easily reference the research that has already been collected.
- Clearly define how certain terms will be used. Insight vs. Themes. vs Findings. (I found that it was difficult to ensure proper continuity when different teams across phases used these terms slightly differently. It would be good to establish the definitions in Phase 1 and keep it the same moving forward for the project.)
2. Create a specific Research Gmail ex: [email protected]
- This allows you to store all sensitive information in a private location only accessible to the UXR team, you would continue to pass on access to future UXR teams.
- Things like Discussion Guides, Interview transcripts, participant tracking etc,
- Store data sensitive documents here that shouldn't be on a public notion page.
3. Create a Participant Tracking Sheet and participant ID system
- Keeping tabs of previous or potential interview/study participants, their demographics, contact, and whether they would be open to being contacted again for future studies. This makes it easier for future teams to find participants for new studies if needed.
- Make a system that can be utilized as future phases continue on. We had a master sheet with everybody's sensitive info connected to a participant ID number. Other documents referring to that participant's answers were labeled with their participant ID number for anonymizing purposes.
- Ex:#1: Phase 1 Participant 1: John Doe is P1P1 (Phase 1, Participant 1)
- Ex#2: Phase 1 Participant 2: Jane Doe is P1P2 (Phase 1, Participant 2)
- Ex: #3: Phase 2 Participant 1: Jerry Dane is P2P1 (Phase 2, Participant 1)