All content has limitation by tags. In some cases the accessing tagged requires approval from a member of the tag group, in some cases the tags are open to all.
There is a limit of 8 Open Tags per Fractal.
This approach allows members to grow in participation and responsibility without explicit dominance by administrators, while recognising that there needs to be a role for people who are accepting more responsibility to have tools to maintain and tend to the space’s health.
By default, new members have access to all tabs but can not post new content or start conversations. They do not yet have access to closed tag posts and events.
Once a member has participated in a conversation (recording a response to their onboarding prompt) by default they can now see & join conversations, view other members' profiles, and events by tags they have permissions for. (It's possible for the Space to require manual approval by Contributor-level members to transition from New to Beginner.)
Once a member has been in the platform for a week (or period determined by Custodians) and has participated in conversations (number of responses or number of conversations set by Custodians) the member becomes a participant. They can now start conversations, post and give karma in the Bulletin Board.
Members become Contributors when they have completed the following actions: Started a conversation that others participated in, received karma on a Bulletin Board post, attended an event. Contributor-level members can approve other members, participate in Welcoming Committees, and create events.
A Custodian designation can be requested by a member or be nominated by other members. Only Contributors can be nominated to be Custodians. Custodians are acclaimed by a majority of other Custodians. Custodians can create new tags, delete posts, approve membership requests, add Materials, and make manual permissions approvals. All founding members are by default Custodians. The Custodians have an additional setup process available in which they determine participation levels. Seed Custodians choose how many Custodians the Group should have by acclaim. Custodians must be re-acclaimed every six months.
Removing Custodian Permissions: A Custodian member who is not re-acclaimed will revert to being a Contributor by default.
More thought to go into this later…