Scheduling Sprint Demos

  1. 2/14
    1. Send out a lettucemeet and make sure it’s filled out by EOD Thursday
    2. Make sure it’s an hour
        1. Send to client as well
  2. 3/7
    1. Send out lettucemeet 2/28 to plan time

Sprint Planning

  1. 2/17
    1. Ask all teams to prepare information for the meeting
        1. 2/17 or 2/18
      2. What didn’t work, what worked, what to do next
      3. Discuss ideal deadlines and timeframes
  2. 3/3
    1. Send out lettucemeet 2/28 to plan time

PS - 2/21

  1. Handoff Document - should be mostly completed up to that date, should be completed for PS
    1. This is PS’s main focus
  2. Alani to discuss handoff meeting with PS
    1. Check if they have anything to discuss for the demo
  3. Files owned by members who have left
    1. Discuss with Melanie about files that are lost due to people who left (waiting on response)

PM -

  1. Review files, ownership, etc.
  2. Brainstorm how PM could do better with managing files, people, etc.
  3. File directory?

Dev -

  1. Email conversation with Client about hosting
    1. Push Marli and Reid to chat with Ryan in the client channel