Scheduling Sprint Demos
- 2/14
- Send out a lettucemeet and make sure it’s filled out by EOD Thursday
- Make sure it’s an hour
- Send to client as well
- 3/7
- Send out lettucemeet 2/28 to plan time
Sprint Planning
- 2/17
- Ask all teams to prepare information for the meeting
- 2/17 or 2/18
- What didn’t work, what worked, what to do next
- Discuss ideal deadlines and timeframes
- 3/3
- Send out lettucemeet 2/28 to plan time
PS - 2/21
- Handoff Document - should be mostly completed up to that date, should be completed for PS
- This is PS’s main focus
- Alani to discuss handoff meeting with PS
- Check if they have anything to discuss for the demo
- Files owned by members who have left
- Discuss with Melanie about files that are lost due to people who left (waiting on response)
PM -
- Review files, ownership, etc.
- Brainstorm how PM could do better with managing files, people, etc.
- File directory?
Dev -
- Email conversation with Client about hosting
- Push Marli and Reid to chat with Ryan in the client channel