Check out Working Agreements guide in the Tech Fleet Agile Handbook for more information about how to make working agreements.

What are working agreements?

Before kicking off project work, it’s important that your team agrees on how to work together. This template includes a list of discussion points for your team to consider when you are forming your working agreements.

At the beginning of your project, your entire team should run a workshop to define their working agreements together.

Working agreements change throughout the project every time a team performs sprint retrospectives and agrees how they will change their process.

Check out Working Agreements guide in the Tech Fleet Agile Handbook for more information about how to make working agreements.

Guidelines for Team Working Agreements**:**

(click on the arrows to see detailed suggestions)

Psychological Safety Working Agreements

Service Leadership Working Agreements

Self-Organization Working Agreements

Continuous Improvement Working Agreements

Notion Working Agreements

Inter-team Communication Working Agreements

Meeting Communication Working Agreements

Discord Communication Working Agreements

Meeting Scheduling Working Agreements