Onboarding, or getting oriented with an app or site for the first time, is critically important for any product. The Kadet team would like to gather feedback on our existing onboarding flow, as well as users’ general thoughts and expectations about onboarding.

Do you have any specific thoughts/assumptions/etc on this topic? List them here.

Also list any questions you might like to ask users on this topic during eventual interviews/usability testing.

Problems & Frustrations You’ve Encountered

Thoughts & Assumptions

  1. I would think new crypto users would make several initial errors in navigation without sufficient guidance from the dApp.
  2. I think new crypto users are terrified to lose money.
  3. I think some new crypto users may think crypto is illegal or only used by people who want it for illegal things
  4. I think the majority of crypto users are young males
  5. I think new users will prefer light mode and experienced users/tech savvy users will prefer dark mode UI
  6. I think new users may not know that you can use the wallet for more than just buying and sending tokens
  7. New users will not understand gas / gas station