Notifications are key to help people stay involved in conversations. Notifications should meet the member needs and not be oriented around engagement with the product.
Text notifications
A member can turn on text notifications which would fire if they receive a response in a conversation, if they select to do so for that conversation. This notification includes the first sentence of the response.
Push notifications
- Members receive push notifications when a new response happens in a conversation they are in. This notification includes the first sentence of the response.
- Members receive push notifications of notes on their own responses.
- Members may receive push notifications for face reactions, and emoji reactions on their own responses by choosing this in notification settings, but these are off by default
- Members may mute a conversation which will stop push notifications but retain a badge
- Each tab has badging to indicate new content.
- Events, Bulletin Board, and Materials have un-numbered badging.
Conversations has numbered badging.
- By default, when a member views any tab besides Conversations, the badges are cleared.
- Conversation badging stays until the member listens to the conversation or manually selects "mark as listened" in the conversation.
- Each conversation in the conversation list view has numbered badging to indicate number of unheard responses
- When a conversation has new reactions but not new responses, it is bolded but not badged.
Indication of new content
- Bulletin Board, Events, Materials:
- block is bolded and has a light grey background until member has viewed it
- Conversations:
- Within a conversation, unheard responses in the timeline have a bold outline and bold waveforms
- On the playback block, unheard parts of the timeline are bolded