UXD Questions:




UXR Questions:


UX Writing Questions/Agenda:

We mapped out the sign-up flow in light of the potential APIs and back-end systems that might affect user experience. We are doing this to identify the points on the journey where language can help, inform, reassure so that the user can easily and successfully get to the dashboard.

Reference for discussion: Life Beautified - Sign Up Flow - System Blueprint


Specifically, as a writing team, we want to communicate with the users so they understand how the product is working, what they can expect to experience BEFORE they experience it, and how their information is being used. With this is mind, we had the following questions arise:

Q: We would like to know a little bit more about how IMPACT will affect the user experience:

A. From Strategy- Client mentioned in phase 1 and in one of our meetings that;The a user dashboard will be created for by life beautified for user. IMPACT will only be a connector to the brand webiste (when the buyer is done shopping and needs to pay he or she enters the Student’s unique code and get a unique discount.