Today’s meeting is only 1 hour based on availability from the LettuceMeet. Does anyone have a hard stop at the 1 hour mark? If not, could we potentially go longer if there’s good discussion?
Screen Review - 50 min
There are 5 user flows we worked on.
(5 min) Walk through your mid-fi screens (desktop and mobile) - talk us through why you made certain design decisions
(5 min) Team offers critique (look for spacing, hierarchy, file & layer org, and if there are missing screens)
Also consider our users’ needs (bandwidth, fewest clicks, etc.)
Action Items
- [ ] Iterate on the feedback and design any missing screens - DUE FRIDAY, JAN 6
- [ ] We’ll hopefully have some research findings today as well. I’ll be in the UXR meeting if anyone wants to join. It starts at 9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET / 6:30pm Valeria / 7:30pm Grace
- [ ] We have a leads meeting at 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 9pm Valeria / 10pm Grace to discuss prep for the client check-in tomorrow. You are not required to attend. I’ll take back any items design needs to know and recap it for us in Slack. (demo slides: Alexis, Grace, Vero, Will)
Which modals, textboxes, elements did you have to build for your mid-fi which should be a component in the design system?
Schedule for rest of week:
Monday - DS walkthrough and component auto layout (mid-fi async)
Tuesday - Figma file and layer org naming and screen audit (missing screen ID and design async)
Wednesday - design crit (iterations async)
Friday - design crit (iterations async and finalize prototype)