Objective: We want to understand what it is like for someone who is brand new to crypto to try and start using crypto without being taught by someone else. Specifically, we wish to identify the pain points along the journey and what questions they have when first trying to set up a crypto wallet and make their first transactions.
Recruitment: A social media flyer was created to be attached to social media posts asking for volunteers. Morgan will send messages through the official Tech Fleet Slack channel, as well as Twitter. $10 will be offered in exchange for approximately 45 minutes of time.
Participant Criteria: In order to qualify for the test, prospective users must be over 18 years old and have never owned a crypto wallet before. For convenience, the screener survey will also reject people who do not agree to conduct the test by using the screen share function on Zoom, and those who do not have a compatible browser.
Method: We will conduct remote, moderated usability tests using the Metamask web extension on one of the supported browsers (Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave, and Firefox). Participants will be given three tasks to complete followed by a usability score questionnaire. The tasks will include: Creating a wallet; Receiving Goerli testnet tokens; and, sending Goerli testnet tokens. During the tasks, users will be required to “think aloud” and narrate their thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Moderator (with a big smile!): Thanks for coming in today! We’re creating a new crypto wallet on the Kadena blockchain, and we are interested in observing people who are new to crypto interact with existing crypto products so that we could build the best product possible.
Today, we are going to be using the METAMASK crypto wallet browser extension. I’m here to learn from you so I’ll ask a lot of questions, but I’m not testing you - I’m testing the system. There are no right or wrong answers.
During the session, I’ll ask you to share your screen with us so that we can see what you’re doing while you’re doing it. In case you have concerns, I won’t have any access to your computer and I won’t be able to control anything.
You’ll start by installing the Metamask browser extension and then we will go into the tasks. There will be three tasks that I’ll ask you to perform using the extension. None of these tasks will use REAL MONEY or REAL CRYPTO. We are using a test network that simulates the real processes but does not use real currency.
The most important thing is that you please think aloud. This means that you should try to give a running commentary on what you're doing as you work through the tasks. Tell me what you're trying to do and how you think you can do it. If you get confused or don't understand something, please tell me. If you see things you like, tell me that too. I want to emphasize that, you won’t hurt my feelings by telling me what you think. Not only is this not our product, but even if it were, frank, candid feedback is the most helpful.
If you do get stuck, I’m going to try not to answer your questions or tell you what to do. I’m just trying to see what you would do if you were using it on your own. But don’t worry--I’ll help you if you get completely stuck.