- Age: 30 years old
- Occupation: Graphic Designer
- Crypto experience: 1 year
- Crypto use cases
- Buys crypto
- Worked contract jobs in the crypto industry as a digital marketer
Feelings About Crypto
- Heard about it from a friend
- Thought it was a good way to quickly make money but realized it takes effort
- “Something that everybody should invest in…good time to develop a career in”
- What he likes
- What he dislikes
- Unstable price
- Can’t accurately predict what will happen to your funds when you invest in something.
- Security of owning and using crypto
- Feels ownership and control
- Crypto Investments
- Doesn’t really buy
- Used Binance blockchain
- Risk Tolerance
- “I do tolerate risk. Cause I know it's something I have to do to progress.”
- First Crypto Transaction
- “If I engage in something, I have to get knowledge of how it works to avoid any irreversible mistakes.”
- He checks guides and examples: how he needs to do it, and how to check it. Be careful with the wallet address and the blockchain.
- Initially scared as he saw that the transaction was “pending”, believes it took some time due to network. When it went through, he felt nice.
- After this first transaction, he became more knowledgeable and his friends would ask him for advice.
- Questions in Mind When Making the Transaction:
- Did not have them, as he had prepared: learning about sharing the wallet address he wanted to transfer to, knowing there are different blockchains, and being careful about the blockchain used. He was driven by “being successful without making any mistakes.” He went online to search for information.
- Negative Experiences
- Contract job in the crypto space that didn’t pay his salary
- Crypto Sources of Information
- People he follows, crypto news, Twitter, random websites
- He uses crypto news due to its detail and reliability.
- He has used Discord and Telegram.
- “I have a community actually, where they share resources. What we have are mostly those materials in the form of Hebrew books that you can read and learn.” There is one person in the community he feels comfortable reaching out to.