- Age: 29 years old
- Occupation: Product Designer
- Crypto experience: 1 year
- Crypto use cases
- Buys crypto
- Works on GameFi and DeFi projects
Feelings about Crypto
- Heard about it in 2020 and thought Ethereum was a scam
- Changed his mind when it blew up
- What he likes
- “I like the concept of the blockchain how you’re able to own your own data”
- “Everything is owned by you”
- “There is no central government controlling it”
- Dislikes price going up and down
- Security of owning and using crypto
- Feels good about the security of owning and using crypto
- Has no problem with wallets as long as you don’t lose your seed phrase
- “You own your wallet. It’s like holding the bank yourself. No one is controlling it for you”
- Crypto Investments
- Lost everything he bought in 2020.
- Purchased Ethereum, altcoins, shitcoins, doge, lite coin
- But he saw the future of crypto and didn’t give up
- Stocks
- Owned some company stocks, but the company crashed.
- Risk tolerance: Low Risk
- “I’ve been very very careful. Very careful in investing on any token or crypto coin”
- Low risk after losing his wallet and losing money since he started
Specific Experiences with Crypto
First crypto transaction was in 2020 and he spent $20
- Used Trust Wallet to buy Ethereum
- “I was really happy making my first transaction”
- He heard a lot about how others made it in crypto
- He had a lot of questions
- “What should I do next?”
- “Where can I buy these tokens?”
- “How do I buy? Send?
- “How do I use the wallet?”
- “How do I swap tokens in the wallet?
- Thought it was easy to do because a friend helped him