


🪄 The curb cut effect


The curb cut effect is the idea that accessibility features designed for one group can benefit a wider population. It is named after curb cuts, originally designed for wheelchair users but now used by many people (e.g., skateboarders, parents with strollers, etc.).

Closed captioning is also an example of the curb cut effect. According to a Vox poll, subtitles are used by 57% of viewers who do not have hearing impairments.

⭐ Importance of accessibility

1️⃣ Accessibility affects around more than a billion people

2️⃣ The population is aging

3️⃣ Digital accessibility provides business benefits

4️⃣ Accessibility reduces development costs in the long run

⚖️ Accessibility is required BY LAW

Many countries have laws and regulations that require websites and applications to follow accessibility guidelines. In addition, there are international standards for meeting WCAG guidelines.