(15 min) affinity map
FigJam link: https://www.figma.com/file/M87KNOoMy0Y7Y8K6TmP3bN/UXD-Heuristic-Evaluation?node-id=0%3A1&t=c76CU5zwCqVLkivl-1
Google Sheets link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x9VUbMebnN9cwPKca5FC3rofHkSxIja6l73-U7ApQEc/edit?usp=sharing
Go through each user flow (both desktop and mobile) one-by-one
Do this individually and record your notes on the google sheet under your specific tab
Try to use the screen title listed on the Figjam, if possible, when identifying the screen where it’s failing a heuristic
Flows & links to the prototype:
(10 min) Auth/Onboarding - Desktop / Mobile
(10 min) Feed & Create Post - Desktop / Mobile
(10 min) User Profile - Desktop / Mobile