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TMV Phase 1 Doc Walk Through.mp4

TMV intro

Phase by phase (as briefly told by the teams)

Major accomplishments/updates as told by teams per phase

Team Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Project Management N/A - Phase & sprint planning (2-week sprint)

Team Deliverables

To avoid duplicating work efforts, and to encourage greater communication and collaboration, look over each teams’ domains of the project.

Project Lead/management Product Strategy Research Design Content/UX Writing Dev/Solution Architect
- Demo presentation

Overall Suggestions for Phase 2

After concluding our final demo with Brenaea (the client), we aim to propose recommendations for the upcoming phase planning with the Tech Fleet team. Our primary choice for the platform is Hivebrite, but further research might be required by Brenaea to solidify this decision. Upon completion of the research and finalization of the platform, a new team will collaborate to assist TMV in devising the plan for platform transition and data migration.

From a project management standpoint, Phase 2 is envisioned as an 8-week phase involving a compact team. The recommended team composition entails a full project management team, a complete product strategy team, a streamlined UX team comprising design, writing, and research experts, alongside a potential tech consultant or a tech lead for support(need to align that we won’t involve coding in the project).

Regarding the Phase 2 roadmap, the initial four weeks will be dedicated to ongoing investigations into Hivebrite integration, the onboarding timeline & process, and free trial offers. The latter half will focus on formulating an implementation plan for future phases based on the outcomes of the research.

Hand-off files and important information

Project Lead/Management