A Group can be part of a Network.
Content Sharing
This allows certain kinds of posts in Groups to be shared into the Network.
- Network-posting permissions are limited to Custodians of Groups
Types of content that can be shared to All-Network are:
- Announcements
- Group Events
- Materials
If a post is All-Network, it can not have any other tag delimiters
Network Management
- A Network can be formed by 2 or more active Groups
- An “active” group is defined as a group with Participant+ members beyond the seed Custodians
- Someone in one Group with Custodian permissions must be appointed Network Representative (all Custodians give permission)
- Representative can “Propose a Network”
- Name for Network
- Group ID(s) for invited Network Groups
- All Custodians of invited group must acclaim at least one Network Representative to join the Network
- Custodians of a Group can acclaim more “Network Representatives”. These can not be the same people (i.e. if one person is in two Groups, they can only be a Network Representative for one Group
- These Network Representatives must all confirm the Network
- A Network does not have any “management” other than a name and image. These can be edited by any Custodian member in the group designated to be a Network Representative
- Perhaps there’s a suggestion of having a Fractal Group that is in the Network and comprises Network Representatives- seems optional
Groups may leave a Network at any time. This can be done by Custodians acclaiming Leave Network.
Custodial Acclaiming:
- Custodians receive a notification to perform acclaim.
- Proposal text [You have been invited to acclaim X as a Network Representative. Do you agree?]
- Select [Yes] or [No]
- Button [Choose]