Grace’s writing-thoughts-down area made for her sanity
🦾 Hi-Fidelity Roadmap
3️⃣ sprint three
🔍 design audits
Sprint 2 → 3 Audit
🏝️ island design consistency
📺 booth
- research animations/hover for sponsor tiles
- create components for sponsor tiles
- create a mockup of the sponsor section in the landing page
- create templates for sponsor sections in the sponsor page
- also consider templates for sponsors who do not have a booth
- create a mockup of the sponsor page
🦋 butterfly
- review landing page to see where else Tanamá can be integrated
- create tooltip components
- redesign:
- welcome message (lightbox)
- island message (in hero)
4️⃣ sprint four
outside factors
- [ ] [UXR] usability test findings
- [ ] [UXW] finalized island content
- [ ] [3D] butterfly illustrations?
🗒️ finish compiling notes
🏝️ 3 islands
- redesign existing components
- create templates
- hi-fidelity designs
🏠 landing page
- integrate homepage into landing page
- reorganizing content in landing page to other pages
- new sitemap?
- redesign navigation
💰 sponsor page
5️⃣ sprint five
outside factors
- [ ] [UXW] Spanish translation
- 3 islands — Kúba, Aytí/Kiskéya, Borikén
🤖 handoff
- final landing page, sponsor page, 3 islands
🎁 documentation
- design specs
- wireframes
- components
- styles
- handoff documentation
- [ ] create a five-week roadmap with 📝 UXW
- [ ] 🏝️ figure out when island content will be finalized
- [ ] 🇪🇸 decide when we will get Spanish copy
- [ ] align with 🏝️ Dorca on island experience
- [ ] ❓ question: when will 🐢 3D 🦕 finish instruments and butterfly?
- [ ] discuss possibility of second round of testing with 🔬 UXR
- [ ] create a hand-off schedule/process with 🤖 DEV — https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e2Zsd8C91lbeXx3IybScZ5HCOggBZZVg63-dsJoyc2I/edit?usp=sharing
- [x] go over designs & features with 🔍 QA & 🤖 DEV
- [ ] ask 🔍 QA & 🤖 DEV : when should we stop designing? (aka. find out how much wiggle room we have in Sprint 5 in case we need an extension)