Announcement: Alyxandrea had to formally step away from the project. She got a new job right at the start and it was too much time for her to do both.

Design System Walkthrough - 20 mins

  1. Style Guides (Buttons, Modals, Dropshadows, Forms, Colors, Typography, Page Layouts)
  2. Buttons
  3. Modals
  4. Forms
  5. Icons
  6. Page Layouts
  7. How to use Local Components & Local Styles

Page Navigation - 10 mins

  1. For desktop and mobile - what do we like?

Components & Auto-layout - 30 mins

  1. Rebuilding the demo with auto-layout
  2. Naming layers
  3. Creating the component and properties
  4. Applying properties
  5. Demonstration

Mid-fi Wireframes - 15 min

  1. Deadline for prototype is Jan 9