Week / Deliverable Goals Date Sprint
Week 1
**Competitor Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Interview Prep** PARTNER WITH UXR
• Competitor analysis of mentorship platforms from the mentor’s perspective (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities)
• Analysis focus: heuristics evaluations + visual design + overall flows + SWOT
• Write interview guide
• Screen interview participants + schedule interviews 2/6 - 2/12 Sarah Hegazi sprint
Week 2
**Gathering research
Problem statements** • Notetake for UXR interviews
• Define problem statement
• Write user stories (assumptions, UXR will confirm later)
2/13 - 2/19
Week 3
**Research synthesis
Information architecture** PARTNER WITH UXR
• Affinity mapping
• Persona creation

INDEPENDENTLY • Information architecture: sitemaps and/or user flows • Start sketching and ideation once key screens are defined | 2/20 - 2/26 | Sprint 2 (Design’s pick) | | Week 4 Ideation | • Sketching + Ideation (assign apprentices different screens - crazy 8s?) • Design critique session | 2/27 - 3/5 | | | Week 5 Sketches/ wireframes / prototype | •Create screen sketches for 3 core flows •Use sketches to create mid-fi wireframes •Create prototype for testing | | Sprint 3 | | Week 6 User Testing | • Provide research with any questions we want answered pertaining to design during testing | | | | Week 7 Iterations based on User Testing | | | Sprint 4 | | Week 8 Final Mockups | | | |