Thoughts by Anthony C.
Goals: What do we want to know?
- What is the primary motivation for their interest in crypto?
- What has stopped them from already buying crypto?
- Level of knowledge (and sources of information)?
- Preconceptions re: Crypto
- What will incite them to try crypto?
- Have they heard of Kadena and are they willing to try it?
Topics to Cover/Questions to Ask
- Level of knowledge re: Crypto
- Level of knowledge re: NFT
- Level of knowledge re: Different types of coins and blockchains
- Level of knowledge re: Kadena
- Feelings regarding:
- Age of technology
- Lack of clarity regarding regulation
- Anonymity of users
- Security issues
- Lack of traditional financial systems
- Learning curve
- Investment sophistication/activity re: Traditional financial markets
- Awareness of negative news (e.g. Environmental concerns)
- Do they want to learn before doing or learn by doing?
- What products have they used that confused/intimidated them in the past but are comfortable with now? How did they learn?
- Are their concerns more about the technological learning curve or fear of losing money?
- What interests or excites them about crypto?