Exploratory User Interviews
Objective: We want to learn more about the general thoughts, learning habits, and behaviors of users who have never used a crypto wallet app before to understand their needs, expectations, and frustrations engaging with crypto for the first time.
User Interview Introduction:
Welcome to our usability study, and thank you for your time. Before we start, can you let me know how you’d like to be addressed?
Thanks. My name is [name], and as you probably already know, I’m part of a team working to develop a crypto wallet browser extension.
In today’s session, we’re going to be asking you some questions about your thoughts and experiences learning about and engaging with crypto as someone who’s new to the space. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers; we want your honest feedback.
The entire session should take about 30 minutes. Does that still work for you? Is it okay with you if we record the session? We won’t share the recording with anyone outside our team.
Exploratory Research Questions
Final Questions:
- Background
- How old are you?
- Could you briefly tell me a little bit about yourself? What do you do?
- Uncovering Feelings About Crypto
- What are your general feelings about crypto?
- Is there anything in particular about crypto that interests you?
- Do you have any concerns about using crypto?
- How do you feel when you think about starting to use crypto?
- How would you describe crypto to someone else?
- What sort of things do you think you can do with crypto?
- What do you think about the security of crypto?
- Do you have any experience using digital wallets (Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc)?
- How do you typically use them?
- What sorts of things do you do with them?
- What comes to mind when you think of a crypto wallet?
- What sort of things do you think you could do with a crypto wallet?
- Level of Knowledge of Crypto
- Have you done any research into crypto?
- If not, why?
- Have you experienced any difficulties or frustrations researching crypto?
- What sources do you rely on for crypto information? Why do you trust them?
- Do you know anyone who’s already using crypto?
- Have you had discussions with them about crypto?
- What have they told you about crypto? or
- Why haven’t you talked about crypto?
- How have their experiences impacted you, if at all?
- What have you heard about crypto in the media?
- Where did you hear about it? Or what sources did you hear it in?
- Has that affected your opinion of crypto?
- If we had an FAQ for crypto, what questions would you want it to answer?
- Wrapping Up
- Very quickly before we end the session, do you have anything you’d like to share that might be helpful for us?
- Would you be open to participating in further interviews for this project?
- Do you have any friends or colleagues who might also be willing to speak with us?
- What is the best way for us to get you your compensation? (PayPal, Venmo, Crypto, etc)
- Make sure to collect their payment info!
The Land of Abandoned Questions
- What sort of things do you think you might use crypto for?
- Have you tried to use crypto yet? Tell me about that experience
- How did you first hear about crypto?
- What were your first impressions?
- Why are you interested in crypto?
- What blockchains or cryptocurrencies have you heard of?