User Interview Introduction:

Name: Welcome to our interview, and thank you for your time. Before we start, can you let me know how you’d like to be addressed?

Me: Thanks. My name is [name], and as you probably already know, I’m part of a team working to develop a crypto wallet browser extension.

About: In today’s session, we’re going to be asking you some questions about your thoughts and experiences learning about and engaging with crypto as someone who’s new to the space.

Honesty: Remember, there are no right or wrong answers; we want your honest feedback.

Voluntary: This is a voluntary interview so if there is anything you are not comfortable answering or if you need to end the interview early, that is okay - just let me know.

Time: The entire session should take about 30 minutes. Does that still work for you?

Recording: Is it okay with you if we record the session? We won’t share the recording with anyone outside our team.


  1. Background
  1. Uncovering Feelings About Crypto