Error Example UX copy
404 Not Found (page wasn’t found) We couldn’t find that page. Return to the previous page and try again.
401 Unauthorized (page couldn’t load because of invalid credentials) The page couldn’t load due to missing permissions. Try clearing your browser cookies or go back to the homepage.
Page loading error Hmm, this page is taking longer to load. Try refreshing it.
Technical issues but saved information We’re experiencing technical issues, but don’t worry, we saved your info. Refresh or return to the previous page and try again.
Technical issues but couldn’t save information We’re experiencing technical issues and we couldn’t save your changes. Refresh or return to the previous page and reenter your information.
Profile pic image file size too big This picture looks great, but it’s too big. Make sure your image is smaller than XXX dimensions.
No mentor results from searching We couldn’t find any mentor matches. Refresh the page or try again in a few minutes.
No mentor results from filters We couldn’t find any mentor matches with these filters right now. Try using fewer filters or refresh the page.
User did not fill out a required field Please fill out the required field.
Email is in an invalid format Enter your email in this format: [email protected] or Incorrect email format
Verification code in 2-step verification is wrong The verification code is incorrect. Re-enter the code that you received or request a new code.
Password is too short This password is too short. Make sure your password is 12 characters or more.
Too many characters used in a form field You’ve reached the character limit. Use up to 100 characters.
Password is incorrect Password does not match our records, please retry or request a new password. or Incorrect password
Email address is already set up with an account There’s already an account using this email address. Go to the login page.
Email address is not associated with an account. There’s no account with this email address. Check your spelling or sign up for an account here.
Checkbox not filled out Select the required checkbox