User Story - Inexperience Crypto Users
As a user, I want to be able to easily create a new crypto wallet, understand how to use it, and securely store my digital assets.
Scenario (Acceptance Criteria)
The onboarding flow should be user-friendly and easy to understand, even for someone who has never used a crypto wallet before.
Given (Some Precondition)
- The user downloads and Install the Kadet wallet Chrome extension.
When (I Do Some Action)
- The user starts up the extension after it has been added to Chrome.
- The User sees a screen that addresses the question of if they are “New to crypto” or “Experienced Crypto User”
- The user clicks on the “New to crypto”
- The user sees the CTA of “Create a New Wallet”
- The user clicks on “Create New Wallet” CTA
- The user is brought to a new screen.
- The user should be able to create a password
- Password requirements are shown.
- At least 8 character limit.
- The character should have the following: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, or special characters. The allowed special characters are ~! @ # $ % ^ * - _ = + [ { ] } / ; : , . ?
- The user reconfirms the password.
- The user clicks on Create an account.
Then (I Expect Some Result)
- The user sees a set of screens that guide them on what an SRP is in a crypto wallet and how they can securely store their SRP.
- The user clicks on the CTA “Proceed”.