Here are some notes regarding what I learned from my meeting with the Project Management team earlier today 📝:
- *IMPORTANT: each team will have a Demo and Retro about this past sprint due by the end of the day on Thursday so that other teams can review them and provide feedback/comments on FridayAva will send out more info + the links regarding this to the teams
- A demo is an artifact that a team shares with the other teams to educate them on what they’ve done so far this past sprint (can be through a document, explanatory video, or both), and we will need to post this on a specific page in the Notion Sprint Hub
- A retro (retrospect) is when teams look at what problems/tasks/solutions they overcame in this past Sprint (I’m not exactly sure how this will be communicated though)
- Another big goal of the PM team is to ensure that all teams are staying up to date with the Kanban board on Notion, because so far many teams seem to be updating their tasks in their own way and not updating the board
- This is important because the Kanban board serves as a central place for organizing all tasks/goals across the project, which will be especially helpful to look at at the end of the project
- So maybe we as Product Strategy can make a shift from our backlog to the Kanban board/prioritize the Kanban board???? Overall PM just wants all teams to prioritize and update the Kanban board with all tasks consistently
- Ava will be making the Kanban board more user-friendlyThey plan for the migration to Discord to happen this week
- Teams should start putting their plans for Sprint 2 into the Sprint Planning Ideas in Sprint Hub
- The Solutions Architect team apprentice is unable to work on the project anymore, so they are actively trying to fill that role again (so if you know anyone who might be interested this would be a good opportunity!)
- So far the PM team has just been working on establishing their own ambassadors and defining tasks based on the scope of the project
- They found that the Product Requirements Document made by Product Strategy has been really helpful for defining goals and scope 😆
- There’s been some trouble with teams accessing each other’s FigJams since there are limits to how many FigJams one email can create with a free account, so we just need to make sure that viewing access of our FigJam is not blocked