Goals: What do we want to know?
- General information about SRP (how they like them; how they’re used; would they like monthly reminders?)
- Do you remember where your Secret Recovery Phrase is stored?
- Would you like to be reminded from time to time to check where your phrase is stored?
- General attitude/personality
- Risk-averse or risk-taker?
- Tech-savvy?
- Politics?
- How did they become interested in crypto? Why did they stick with it?
- What are their motivations?
- What were their early experiences with crypto?
- Pain points?
- Learning?
- Negative experiences?
- How have their attitudes changed over time?
- How have their behaviors changed over time?
- What do they use crypto for?
- Which products do they use?
- Why?
- What features are important?
- What attributes are important?
- Which sources do they rely on?
- Which blockchains are they on?
- Do they use Kadena?
- Do they understand it?
- Pros and cons?
- Experience with NFTs?
- Experience with Dex Aggregators?
- Experience with Testnets?
- Feelings regarding:
- Age of technology
- Lack of clarity regarding regulation
- Anonymity of users
- Security issues
- Lack of traditional financial systems
- Learning curve
- Investment sophistication/activity re: Traditional financial markets