AGILE Workshop Outline (Crazy 8’s/Sketches/Wireframes)

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Prep: All will need blank paper for Crazy 8s


Review low bandwidth considerations

Step 1: Understand - 10 mins (pre-Crazy 8)

  1. Review what we know- Review journey map and proto-personas
    1. Review User Journey Map (~5 min)
    2. Lead will summarize Persona (~5 min)

Step 2: Critical Thinking - 10 mins

  1. Walk the Persona through the User Journey Map - What are some ways the current flow/features may not be ideal for the Persona?
    1. 2 minutes individual time to review Persona
    2. 8 minutes to discuss together how Persona may encounter difficulties in the journey

Step 3: Decide - 5 min

  1. Everyone gets 2 votes each
  2. Pick a point on the User Journey Map you think is most important to focus on

Step 4: How Might We’s - 15 min

  1. Rephrase potential failures into a positive design challenge or opportunity
    1. Example: “Artists might not want to go through all the steps to get started making investments” → ”How Might We make it really easy and fun to get set up with all the info RH wants from them to get started?”
  2. Affinity map the HMW’s to see what the team is aligning on
    1. Agree on which group we want to tackle —this should be fairly obvious but will discuss if not.
    2. Agree on a team-approved HMW — pick one winner or rewrite to summarize!

Step 5: Crazy 8s sketch! - 16-24 min

  1. Sketch out 8 ideas in 8 minutes per HWM question (we may get through 2-3 total today)
    1. Sketches can be UI, stick figures, multi-screen, etc. this is all about getting concepts down!

Step 6: Vote - 10 min

  1. Pick your favorite 3 sketches/ideas and walk the team through your thinking:
    1. Upload to Figjam area