User Story (Scope)
As a user, I want to be able to test a network to fund Crypto tokens on my Kadet wallet account
So that I can be able to understand how to send a token on the mainnet using the Testnet faucet as a practical guild.
Scenario (Acceptance Criteria)
- The user successfully created a new wallet account on Chain 1 (A testnet wallet should be created automatically once the wallet is created).
- Users click Kadet account on the Chrome extension
- Users see the ‘Network’ tab with two options ‘Mainnet’ and ‘Testnet’.
- Users select the ‘Network’ tab to ‘Testnet’ to start testing networks.
- The user goes back to the wallet dashboard.
- There should only show wallet addresses that exist on Testnet only. If the user switches back to “Mainnet”, then they should only show the wallet address that exists on Mainnet only.
- The user should be able to do everything they need to test new apps that get deployed on Kadena testnet
- The user should be able to quickly receive “Testnet” KDA tokens from the Kadena Testnet Faucet without having to go to that website and create a new testnet wallet outside of Kadet.
****A link to Kadena Testnet Faucet
- See the option to ‘Fund Account’
- Select an ‘Add Funds to Existing Account’ button
- See a new page pop up with the box saying ‘Transaction Pending’
- With a message pop-up showing the status of the transaction while it loads. This will take likely several minutes.
- When it’s finished, the user should automatically see a ‘Success!’ message with the number of tokens/coins funded to your wallet account.