by Daniela B.
Lauren guides the teams through Phase 1 deliverables
Phase 1 focused on mobile. For Phase 2 can we build for web and make it responsive for mobile (Sope’s suggestion)? The focus on mobile was based on assumption that lower income families can afford more a mobile rather than a laptop. At the same time, as proof of concept (requested for this phase) makes more sense to build on desktop When this whole thing will go live at the end of the phases it probably has to be mobile → Agreement on focusing on desktop version first for the proof of concept, as a way for the client to get feedback (mindset of iteration and Agile approach)
Task for UXD to turn Onboarding mobile to Onboarding desktop version. Estimated time: No more than 2w - considering they’re now working on User Journey Map:
Glossary/Nomenclature Q:
Web app = has functionalities → Nomenclature we should use/we are building now
Website = displays pages
They are both posted on a server. In the case of the website it only has pages, but in case of web app it is a sub-application which is actually hosted on the server which actually has functionalities. Whether is mobile or desktop, has far as it has functionalities it is a web app.