[Daniela B. joined approx. after10/15 min while Angel was speaking — Covering missing parts on Wed 8 Nov]
Marketing strategy so far:
- Abc
- Abc
Copyright protection: Ideally it will work as all other affiliate marketing, we are following 90% affiliate marketing systems.
- Coupons → Focus for the beginning
- QR Codes → Focus for the beginning
- Links
Dev platform
- Need to check the free version to evaluate costs and
- What do we need to demo? What is the MVP?
MVP = register household and cunt them as a ?, have at least… (Sope)
- Webflow/Framer discussion → From Dev to Thomas a document with pros, cons, prices etc, so that client can share it to the board → Check with Sope on Wed 8 Nov (Daniela B.)
- Work with domain data (Sope’s expectations)