Daniela G. goes through the Figma file for Monday kick-off:
Previously shared Roadmap by PS - Now PM is requesting a more condensed one to PS
The Managing Tickets part is up to PS
“Product requirements document” has been created by PS, PS will share it with PM today
Presentation looks good for PS
Lily from PS will share documents to fill the missing parts. According to her, we should keep the roadmap flexible f.e. adjusting it accordingly to the meetings with the client
Do we have Spring 1 deliverables? PS answers no, they are not in the document PS will share with PM. But PS will add the deliverables from all teams for this presentation.
Kanban board is responsibility of the PS. PS will decide the way of working soon and let PM know. → Make sure PS will present that part to the team during the kick-off meeting. PS agrees.
Recurrent Meetings
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |
Leads Stand-up | Check-in Q&A with Client | Demo Presentation | Retro & Planning | |
Mon 11/06 Kick-off |
Only leads requested to attend. Apprentices can participate though | Around 1h
Tue 11/07 we will present the same Figma presentation to him + Q&A moment. It is only PM & PS, no other teams | | Time need to be defined. All team (leads and apprentices) is involved | 2nd week of each sprint All team (leads and apprentices) is involved |